E V E R Y  W E D N E S D A Y  F R O M  6 : 00 - 8 : 0 0  P M
E V E R Y  W E D N E S D A Y  F R O M  
6 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0  P M

Austin Crawford

+  Director of Worship and Youth Discipleship
"The Middle School and High School years of a young person's life are critical and formative for their future, and the future of the Church.  We want to see our students grow into rock-solid disciples of Jesus Christ who will follow Him with their whole heart, for their whole life."
"I really enjoy being able to teach the kids about Jesus and watch them grow not only in their love for Him but also their knowledge. My wife and I have been serving ESM for the past few years now and it has become one of the things we love the most about Emmanuel Baptist church. 

Keep in touch with ESM by texting @ESMTEXT to 81010

E V E R Y  W E D N E S D A Y  F R O M  6 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0  P M
E V E R Y  W E D N E S D A Y  F R O M  
6 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0  P M

Austin Crawford

+  Director of Worship and Youth Discipleship
"I really enjoy being able to teach the kids about Jesus and watch them grow not only in their love for Him but also their knowledge. My wife and I have been serving ESM for the past few years now and it has become one of the things we love the most about Emmanuel Baptist church.
"I really enjoy being able to teach the kids about Jesus and watch them grow not only in their love for Him but also their knowledge. My wife and I have been serving ESM for the past few years now and it has become one of the things we love the most about Emmanuel Baptist church. 

Keep in touch with ESM by texting @ESMTEXT to 81010

E V E R Y  W E D N E S D A Y  F R O M  6 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0  P M
E V E R Y  W E D N E S D A Y  F R O M  
6 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0  P M

Dan Neighbors

+  Pastor of Students, Families, & Communications
"As pastor of children and family ministries I get to oversee the big picture of ESM. Working with Austin and developing quality teaching series and fun activities for the kids is always a joy. My prayer is that our young people would come to love Christ each time they are with us."

Austin Crawford

+  Youth Group Leader
"I really enjoy being able to teach the kids about Jesus and watch them grow not only in their love for Him but also their knowledge. My wife and I have been serving ESM for the past few years now and it has become one of the things we love the most about Emmanuel Baptist church. 

Austin Crawford

+  Director of Worship and Youth Discipleship

"I really enjoy being able to teach the kids about Jesus and watch them grow not only in their love for Him but also their knowledge. My wife and I have been serving ESM for the past few years now and it has become one of the things we love the most about Emmanuel Baptist church.

Keep in touch with ESM by texting @ESMTEXT to 81010

ESM Summer Games

ESM Summer Games

During the summer of 2021, students from ESM competed in several different events including a push cart derby through the Emmanuel Church parking lot. This is a yearly highlight for the students of ESM and a real enjoyable time for all of those that come out and get involved. 
During the summer of 2021, students from ESM competed in several different events including a push cart derby through the Emmanuel Baptist Church parking lot. This is a yearly highlight for the students of ESM and a real enjoyable time for all of those that come out and get involved. 

Winter Camp

This winter, ESM is headed to Lincoln Lake Camp in Gowen, Michigan for a weekend of fun and discipleship with students in our church. Sign up today and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Austin Crawford.

Summer Camp

Each summer, our youth groups heads up north to Lincoln Lake Baptist Youth Camp in Gowen, Michigan!

Students will enjoy plenty of games and activities in a safe and upbeat environment, while focusing in on the Word of God and spending meaningful time in worship, prayer, and building relationships.

Lincoln Lake Baptist Youth Camp

Emmanuel at Home Gospel Project Resources

Click here to login and create an account at Ministry Grid for access to some at home Gospel Project resources for your students. Some of the resources include discussion questions, worship plans, videos and more.

ESM Summer Games

ESM Summer Games

During the summer of 2021, students from ESM competed in several different events including a push cart derby through the Emmanuel Baptist Church parking lot. This is a yearly highlight for the students of ESM and a real enjoyable time for all of those that come out and get involved. 
During the summer of 2021, students from ESM competed in several different events including a push cart derby through the Emmanuel Baptist Church parking lot. This is a yearly highlight for the students of ESM and a real enjoyable time for all of those that come out and get involved. 

Winter Camp

This winter, ESM is headed to Lincoln Lake Camp in Gowen, Michigan for a weekend of fun and discipleship with students in our church. Sign up today and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Austin Crawford.

Summer Camp

Each summer, our youth groups heads up north to Lincoln Lake Baptist Youth Camp in Gowen, Michigan!

Students will enjoy plenty of games and activities in a safe and upbeat environment, while focusing in on the Word of God and spending meaningful time in worship, prayer, and building relationships.

Lincoln Lake Baptist Youth Camp

Emmanuel at Home Gospel Project Resources

Click here to login and create an account at Ministry Grid for access to some at home Gospel Project resources for your students. Some of the resources include discussion questions, worship plans, videos and more.

ESM Current Events & Calendar

5 - ESM (Wednesdays at Emmanuel)
7 - Split Night
12 - ESM (Wednesdays at Emmanuel)
14-16 - Winter Retreat at Lincoln Lake
19 - ESM (Wednesdays at Emmanuel)
19 - HS Book Club Begins
26 - ESM (Wednesdays at Emmanuel)

2 - Parent Meeting
5 - ESM (Wednesdays at Emmanuel)
12 - ESM (Wednesdays at Emmanuel)
19 - ESM (Wednesdays at Emmanuel)
26 - NO ESM

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