Lifeline Young Adult
18-30 Year Olds
Every Thursday New Time Begins March 6 from 7-8:30PM
We are a group of college-aged adults about the Gospel, the Bible, and developing deep and intentional relationships with Christ and others. Our goal is to minister to other young adults in the community by developing leaders and deep relationships through discipleship and small groups. If you’re a young adult in the area, we’d love to have you join us on a Thursday night!
For more information, contact Josh Rozek

Cross Con 2024
Each year our young adult group takes a trip to Cross Conference in Louisville and in 2024, we had the most amazing time. We were encouraged by speakers like John Piper, worshiped with over 11,000 other believers and walked away challenged to live for God in a deeper way. Checkout what Lifeline leader Josh Rozek and member Colleen Kaylor had to say about there experience at Cross Con 2024.