Grow With us At

Wednesdays at Emmanuel | Sept - May

Meeting Weekly Starting at 6:30pm | Children's Ministry from Nursery - 5th Grade

Biblical Manhood

Manhood is frequently a misunderstood concept in the world today. Every week, men from the church will get together to study the word of God in search of what true Biblical manhood means and looks like through the lens of scripture.  
6:30PM | Josh Rozek | Room: 409

Women's Precept Studies

One pillar of Emmanuel is wise women of the word. Join us weekly as we study God's word with certified Precept teachers in developing our wisdom as women.  
Old Testament Study | Tina Wells | Room: 400
New Testament Study | Chris Andrews | Room: 403

Hope Explored

Are you or someone you know looking to learn more about the foundations of Christianity? Join us weekly on Wednesday nights as we dedicate time to the basics and help you with the building blocks of your faith as scripture sees it.
6:30PM | Alan Sherban | Room: 405

Spanish Bible Study

2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month | 6:30PM
Conference Room 502

ESM & Ekidz

Emmanuel Student Ministries is the youth group of Emmanuel Baptist Church led by Austin Crawford. Every Wednesday night we join together for food, fun, games and expository preaching of God's Word. 
EKidz is the Children's ministry at Emmanuel Baptist Church led by our Children's Director Gloria Shaw Ojeda. Each Wednesday night and Sunday morning, your kids will be safely checked-in and cared for back in our children's wing. Each child will be under the supervision of volunteers who have been background checked and trained to handle your child in a safe and professional manner. There are also lessons and crafts carefully designed to teach God's Word in a way that each child can understand.

Sunday Morning Bible Hour

Meeting Weekly Starting at 9:00am | Children's Ministry from Nursery - 5th Grade 

Biblical Manhood

Our Biblical Manhood class on Sunday mornings will be an extension of the mid-week meeting that happens on Wednesday nights. If you missed the chance to join us then, we invite you to come during the Bible hour on Sunday mornings.
This is open for those who are unable to meet on Wednesdays.
9AM | Josh Rozek | Room 402

Evangelism: Labor in the Field

Learn what scripture says about God's work of salvation in human souls. Share experiences, blessings and concerns. Encourage one another to labor with faithful endurance. Pray for the lost sheep through selected scriptures. Partner with one another and do some work of evangelism. 
9AM | Leo Liu | Room 404

Women's Precept Studies

One pillar of Emmanuel is wise women of the word. Join us weekly as we study God's word with certified Precept teachers in developing our wisdom as women as we take a look at the New Testament.
This is open for those who are unable to meet on Wednesdays.
9AM | Hebrews | Shelly Bloom | Room 400

Gospel Project

We are in the middle of a three year, comprehensive run through of scripture using The Gospel Project. We have two classes that run during the 9am Bible hour and if you are wanting to learn about each step of the Bible in chronological order, this is the class for you.
9AM | Pastor Bill Baker & Kurt Swisher | Room 403
9AM | Pastor Paul Matthiesen | Chapel
9AM | Shepherd's Special Needs | Room 204

ESM & Ekidz

Sunday mornings at 9am, the Emmanuel Student Ministry youth group meets together for Bible hour going through the Gospel Project. The studies align with what the adults are going through but are designed to focus on things applicable to the age group it is being taught.
9AM | Aaron Roth | 6-12th Grades | Room 401
Ekidz is Emmanuel Baptist Church's Children's ministry and much like the youth group, they meet on Sunday mornings for both the Bible hour and the Worship service and work through age appropriate Gospel Project materials. Our trained and background checked volunteers will spend time singing songs, teaching Bible lessons and loving on your kids. We offer safe and secure check in same as we do on Wednesdays.