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Workshop One | Friday 7:30pm

Aaron Kurtz

A Jewish Perspective on Isaiah 53 - A Christian Response 

Chris Lightfoot

Sacred/Secular Divide - Applying a Biblical Worldview to Every Area of Life

Hunter Turner

Liberating Evangelism from the Sales Pitch

Pastor Duke

Election and Free Will - Shedding Light not Heat on the Debate

Dianne De Cleene

Older Women Teaching Younger Women

Chuck De Cleene

Praying for a Growing Church

Workshop Two | Saturday 9:00am

Pastor Duke

Are Genders the Same or Complementary? 

Mark Merrick

Living Your Faith on a Secular Campus

Austin Crawford

First Things First - Why Our Services Aren't Attractional

Gloria Shaw Ojeda

If You're Happy and You Know It! - What is Biblical Joy?

Liana Bomar & Kate Nichol

Women of Worry: Proverbs 12:25

Pastor Paul

Guilt - Helpful or Hurtful?

Workshop Three | Saturday 10:30am

Leo Liu

How Did Jesus Carry a Conversation?

Savannah Marten

Compassion Wrapped in Truth - Answers to Tough Questions on Abortion & the Right to Life

Alex Trygstad

These Inward Trials: Psalms of Lament and the Christian Life

Chris Lightfoot

Biblical Sexual Ethic - Do LGBTQ Rights Parallel the Civil Right Movement?

Gary Knapp

Marriage Help - Dealing with the In-laws

Chuck De Cleene

Mentoring in Evangelism

Workshop Four | Sunday 9:00am

Chuck De Cleene

Getting People into Church 

Dianne De Cleene

Aging with Grace

Chris Lightfoot

Discipling the Next Generation - Are they Being Conformed or Transformed? (Note title corrected from discipline to disciple)

Gary Knapp

Trends in Parenting - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Joel Berry

Speaking Truth in a Post-Truth Culture

Cheryl Conley

Caring for Loved Ones with Dementia or Alzheimer's

One Purpose Weekend Schedule

Friday Evening 
5:30PM - Family Dinner & Check-In | Fellowship Hall & Outside
7:00PM - Opening Assembly | Auditorium
7:30PM - Workshop #1 & Kids’ Program | 400 Wing, Chapel & Kids Wing
Saturday Morning 
8:30AM - Family Breakfast & Registration | Fellowship Hall & Outside
9AM - Workshop #2 & Kids’ Program | 400 Wing, Chapel & Kids Wing
10AM - Break | Visit display tables in the foyer
10:30AM - Workshop #3 & Kids’ Program | 400 Wing, Chapel & Kids Wing
11:30AM - Worship & General Session | Auditorium
12:30PM - Family Picnic & Games | Outside
Sunday Morning 
9AM - Workshop #4 & Kids’ Program | 400 Wing, Chapel & Kids Wing
10AM - Coffee & Donuts | Fellowship Hall
10:30AM - Worship & General Session | Auditorium